Insert Your Data Directly into Tuva

In the following article we'll go over how to find and access the insert data feature, how to copy and paste data, and how to delete data.

The data insertion feature allows you to do two things: edit existing data that you’ve uploaded and create a new dataset by directly typing values into the cells in the Table View.

Accessing Insert Data

You can access this feature by clicking “Upload Dataset” from the top navigation bar, and then clicking “Insert Data.”


In the screenshot below, we can see an example of data that’s been directly inserted into the Table View. Once you feel satisfied with the data you’ve entered, you will need to click “Save Data” to save the data to your personal data repository.


From there, you will go through the usual data upload steps to confirm the dataset name, privacy settings, and attributes. After you’ve finished the upload and review process, you’ll land back on the dataset page giving you access to the Table View with an Edit Data button.


Clicking the Edit Data button will change the state of the Table View so you’ll be able to update any of the values seen in the Table View.


Copy and Paste Data

You can copy and paste data by selecting one or more cells. You may copy the cells by pressing CTRL+C (Windows) or CMD+C (Mac).


Once you've copied one or more cells, you may select any cell and press CTRL+V (Windows) or CMD+V (Mac) to paste the data.



Delete Data

To delete data, you may select one or more cells and press Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Mac) on your keyboard to delete the data from the table.



Note: The Insert Data feature is only available when uploading your own data or editing an existing dataset you’ve uploaded. When opening a dataset from the Content Library, you will see the Read Only button in the Table View. This means you will not be able to modify any Tuva Datasets.


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