Using the Movable Line Tool

Students can work with the Tuva movable line to begin eyeballing an estimation of a linear fit. Using the moveable line tool, students can easily stretch and drag a line to approximate data.

The process of creating a movable line to fit bivariate linear data is fairly simple. 


Step 1: Create a Scatterplot

Drag numerical attributes to each of the x- and y-axes.

Movable line_1.png


Step 2: Add the Moveable Line

Click on Model Data in the toolbar to open the dropdown menu.

From the dropdown, choose Movable Line -- Add Movable Line on X-Y.

This will add an unfitted, movable line on the scatterplot.

Movable line_2.png


If you would like to change the color of the line, click on the small grid icon (Context menu) next to the X when the line is highlighted. 

Movable line_3.png

From the menu, click on the circle next to Color to open the color picker and select the color you like.

Movable line_4.png


If you chose the default red, your graph will look something like this.

Movable line_5.png


Step 3: Adjusting the Line

Drag the line by its middle to translate the line (shift up, down, left, or right). This changes the intercept.

Movable line_6.png


Drag by the handles at either end to rotate the line or change the slope.

Movable line_7.png


Drag either handle along the slope of the line to stretch the line.

Movable line_8.png


The parameters of the line get updated dynamically as you drag the movable line in search of a good fit.


Step 4: Finding the Right Fit

Continue to tweak the line until it seems to fit the data. The fitted graph will look somewhat like this:

Movable line_9.png


When you hover on the line, the equation of the line will appear, and you can start making sense of the equation and parameters in the context of your data.

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