Tuva & Universal Design for Learning


How Tuva Applies Universal Design for Learning

Everyone learns in a unique way, yet all learners are entitled to meaningful, rigorous learning opportunities. Universal Design for Learning, a framework developed by the non-profit organization CAST, posits that learners with and without disabilities are served best if educational materials and methods are designed from the outset to be accessible to the widest possible range of students. The key principles of Universal Design for Learning include:

  • Multiple Means of Engagement: What motivates one student will not motivate another. Utilize strategies to engage a variety of learners.
  • Multiple Means of Representation:  Present information in multiple ways because no single mode will be optimal for all learners. 
  • Multiple Means of Action/ Expression: Because all learners are unique, offer multiple ways for them to navigate the learning materials and express what they know. 

Tuva has implemented a variety of features and practices to provide a universally accessible experience.  Explore the sections below to learn more and unlock the possibilities of inclusive data exploration.

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