Standards Alignment
The resource is intended to help partners:
a) Identify skills and concepts that Tuva Jr. can help develop.
b) Show examples of Plot states in Tuva Jr. and questions that could be used to address these skills and concepts.
c) Align the Common Core Math Standards with the skills that can be developed in the Tuva Jr. Play View and Plot View.
How to Use
The top portion of this document is broken up by Common Core domain. Each domain has subsections: concepts/ideas, associated standards, a written summary of how Tuva Jr. can develop those concepts, and screenshots showing examples of Tuva Jr. Plot states and accompanying questions that could be used to do so.
The lower portion of the document includes a chart that breaks shows a skill progression for each of the associated Common Core standards.
Skills and Concepts That can be Addressed by Tuva Jr.
- Domain: Counting and Cardinality
Concepts / Ideas:
- Representing objects with a numeral
- Understanding the relationship between numbers and quantities
- Comparing groups
Standards:K.CC.A.3, K.CC.B.4, K.CC.B.5, K.CC.C.6
Summary or Highlights:
- Subitizing and estimating the number of objects in a group
- Using matching and counting strategies to identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group
- Answer "how many?" questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line
How does Tuva Jr. facilitate this?
Additionally, students can enable the Count button to display the total number of cards in a group, thus reinforcing the connection between the number name (numeral) and the number of objects it represents.
- Domain: Operations & Algebraic Thinking
Concepts / Ideas: Represent and solve problems using the four operations; Analyze patterns and relationships
Standards:3.OA.D.8, 4.OA.A.3, 5.OA.B.3
Summary or Highlights:
- Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays
- Represent problems involving the four operations by using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity
- Form ordered pairs consisting of corresponding terms from the two patterns, and graph the ordered pairs on a coordinate plane
How does Tuva Jr. facilitate this?
Furthermore, students can use the Reference lines on X and Y to locate a particular case (ordered pair). For example, which dinosaur is 3 meters tall and close to 6 meters in length?
- Domain: Measurement & Data
Concepts / Ideas:
- Understand characteristics of an attribute
- Differentiate between a categorical and a numerical attribute
- Compare two individuals/objects/events using an attribute
Standards: c, 3.MD.B.3, 3.MD.B.4, 4.MD.A.1, 4.MD.A.2, 5. MD.A.1, 5.MD.B.2
Summary or Highlights:
- Describe measurable attributes (attributes with numbers as values) of an object, individual or an event
- Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has "more of"/"less of" the attribute, and describe the difference
- Make a line plot to display a data set
- Solve multi-step real world problems within a given measurement system
How does Tuva Jr. facilitate this?
Level/View:Tuva Jr. PLAY View (Grades 1-5) | ||
Initial Skills | Target Skills | Alignment to CCSS(M) |
Ask simple questions of data (about individuals in a group or a single attribute) | Begin to ask questions/make claims about the whole group | 1.MD.C.4 |
Grow familiarity with case cards |
Read and describe an individual card of interest | |
Compare two case cards (by comparing one or more attributes, compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons) | ||
Switch between icon view and card view | Understand that each card/icon represents a single individual or event | |
Differentiate between a case and an attribute | Differentiate between categorical and quantitative attributes | 1.MD.C.4 |
Stack cards organized by a quantitative or a categorical attribute |
Estimate number of cards in a category by stacking and subitizing Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s |
Group cards by categories of an attribute |
Compare categories using the count function How many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another Express the count of a given category as a part of the whole, that is, as a fraction Compare two fractions Add and subtract fractions Compare attributes with decimal values |
Level/View:Tuva Jr. PLAY View (Grades 1-5) | ||
Order cards by the values of an attribute |
Find the minimum and maximum values for the attribute chosen to order the cards | |
Informally describe the range of values for the attribute | ||
Identify the value that has the highest frequency | 2.MD.D.9 | |
Begin thinking about what is typical of a group | 1.MD.C.4 | |
Choose from a list of findings that are applicable to the data | Share findings with others |
Level/View:Tuva Jr. PLOT View (Grades 1-5) | ||
Ask simple questions of data (about individuals in a group or a single attribute) | Begin to ask questions/make claims about the whole group | 1.MD.C.4 |
Grow familiarity with case cards |
Read and describe an individual card of interest | |
Compare two case cards (by comparing one or more attributes, compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols to record the results of comparisons) | ||
Switch between icon view and card view | Understand that each card/icon represents a single individual or event | |
Differentiate between a case and an attribute | Differentiate between categorical and quantitative attributes | 1.MD.C.4 |
Stack cards organized by a quantitative or a categorical attribute |
Estimate number of cards in a category by stacking and subitizing Determine whether a group of objects (up to 20) has an odd or even number of members, e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2s |
Group cards by categories of an attribute |
Compare categories using the count function How many in each category, and how many more or less are in one category than in another Express the count of a given category as a part of the whole, that is, as a fraction Compare two fractions Add and subtract fractions Compare attributes with decimal values |
Level/View:Tuva Jr. PLOT View (Grades 1-5) | ||
Order cards by the values of an attribute |
Find the minimum and maximum values for the attribute chosen to order the cards | |
Informally describe the range of values for the attribute | ||
Identify the value that has the highest frequency | 2.MD.D.9 | |
Begin thinking about what is typical of a group | 1.MD.C.4 | |
Choose from a list of findings that are applicable to the data | Share findings with others |