Using Data Stories to Support Instruction

Data Stories can be used to support instruction in several ways:

  • As a Class Warm-Up, Opener or 5E Engage activity: Data stories are a great way to start your class because they do not require any direct instruction. Get class started right at the bell by having students grab a data story as they enter your room. Select a data story that leads into a topic you will be covering in class or helps to elicit prior knowledge
  • During lectures: If you use a Tuva dataset during lecture, use a data story to break up the lecture and keep students engaged. When you get to the graph in your lecture, pause and have students work through the data story. Working through the data story will help students engage in the lecture
  • As an extension: Data stories are a great resource to have at the ready for students who progress quickly through planned activities. Keep relevant data stories on have to assign to students as an extension to your class activity.
  • As kickstarts for class discussion: Check out our suggestions for discourse strategies that can be used in conjunction with data stories.
  • As Homework/Flipped Class: Assign a data story for students to use to reinforce concepts covered in class or to prepare for upcoming topics
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