At Tuva, we define data literacy as the ability to visually explore and analyze data in various forms, ask questions of data, and use data as evidence for argumentation and decision making.
Data stories are a critical tool for the teacher working to building data literacy skills in their classroom.
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What are Tuva Data Stories?
Tuva Data Stories are learning experiences that present data or data visualizations for quick sense-making about an engaging topic or key content idea. These learning experiences can be completed in 15 minutes or less, and can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom.
Screenshot of a Tuva Data Stories
Tuva Data Stories prompt students to 1) interpret specific aspects of a dataset, 2) practice a target data literacy skill (such a framing a question about a dataset or interpreting a pattern in data), or 3) simply initiate classroom discussion about data as evidence
How can I use data stories in my classroom?
These are so many ways that data stories can be used to catalyze data literacy skills in the classroom. Here are a few suggestions:
Tuva Data Stories for Math
Tuva Data Stories for Math are organized into 5 buckets based on the instructional strategy they employ. Each strategy is grounded in research on math and data literacy education and serves a different purpose.
Tuva Data Stories for Science
Tuva Data Stories for Science are organized into 7 buckets by instructional strategy. Each data story instructional strategy is based on research in science and data literacy education. The 7 science strategies are below.