- We'll use the Dinosaurs Tuva Dataset as an example.
- Once you're on the page viewing the Tuva Dataset, on the right side of the screen you'll see the activity panel listing all the activities associated with the dataset.
- Preview the Activity: Click on the title of the activity to see an preview of the entire activity. The preview will appear in a pop-up, allowing you view all of its instructions and questions.

- Try the Activity As a Student: As a teacher, you may also try the activity as a student by clicking on "Try as Student." This will take you through the activity step-by-step from your student's perspective. After completing the activity as a student, notice the button label will update to "Continue" if the activity is not yet complete, or the label will update to "Review" if you've finished the entire activity.
- Assign the Activity: You may assign the activity to a class of students by clicking "Assign" and then selecting the class you want to assign it to from the pop-up that appears. You will also have the option to provide any additional instructions for your students before activity is finally assigned to your class.