How to Preview and Assign Activities to Your Class


  1. We'll use the Dinosaurs Tuva Dataset as an example.
  2. Once you're on the page viewing the Tuva Dataset, on the right side of the screen you'll see the activity panel listing all the activities associated with the dataset.
    Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 9.56.54 AM.png
  3. Preview the Activity: Click on the title of the activity to see an preview of the entire activity. The preview will appear in a pop-up, allowing you view all of its instructions and questions.
Screenshot 2024-03-22 at 9.55.24 AM.png
  1. Try the Activity As a Student: As a teacher, you may also try the activity as a student by clicking on "Try as Student." This will take you through the activity step-by-step from your student's perspective. After completing the activity as a student, notice the button label will update to "Continue" if the activity is not yet complete, or the label will update to "Review" if you've finished the entire activity.
  2. Assign the Activity: You may assign the activity to a class of students by clicking "Assign" and then selecting the class you want to assign it to from the pop-up that appears. You will also have the option to provide any additional instructions for your students before activity is finally assigned to your class. 
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