Searching for Data Stories, Activities, and Data Sets

To search for Data Stores, Activities, and Data Sets, you'll need to head over to the Content Library. Near the top of the page you'll see the search bar.


You can use this search bar to find Data Stories, Datasets, Activities, Courses, Tutorials, and other resources. While searching, you may use a word, phrase, or educational standard (Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards). After typing into the search bar and pressing enter on your keyboard, you'll be taken to the following screen, the search results page.



On the search results page, Tuva will retrieve and organize your search results. Notice the tabs appearing immediately below the search bar. You have to option to view all search results by clicking all, which is the default view. You may also view only data stories, activities, datasets, or other. The "Other" tab contains everything from courses, tutorials, to printable handouts to collections.

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